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Comparative Study of Gene-activated Bone Substitute and Autobone in Treatment of Long Bone Nonunions

Brief Summary:
The study is aimed to compare the effectiveness of «Histograft» bone substitute (gene-activated bone substitute based on octacalcium phosphate and plasmid DNA encoding VEGFA gene) mixed with shredded autobone and pure shredded auto bone harvested from iliac crest in treatment of patients with long bone nonunions
Detailed Description:

An open-label randomized controlled clinical trial, two cohorts. Patients who met the inclusion criteria are planned to be enrolled into the trial. Upon enrollment, all patients will undergo screening, a set of clinical examination, instrumental investigations and laboratory tests, including CT of the affected bone with the assessment of nonunion.

All patients enrolled in the study will be subjected to bone reconstructive surgery with nonunion excision and bone grafting with either investigational bone substitute mixed with shredded autobone (in a ratio of 50/50) harvested during the surgery or pure shredded autobone from iliac crest.

The clinical study results will be evaluated at the time points of 1, 15, 45, 90, 180 days with clinical examination, instrumental investigations and laboratory tests. Control CT will be carried out for the primary outcome measure at 90, 180, 360 days after surgery.

Sponsors and Collaborators
Histograft Co., Ltd.
S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

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